our day-to-day.
our bodies in the changes that work to create a more antibody whereas antibody produced by the body
from the food that we eat with factors other supporters.
The sun rays
For example the sun, sinarnya help utuk growth process than as a function of the main torch of the world which is transitory.
Rays that emanated earth to contain various substances-substances needed by the organism.
Sun emanated a very hot but do not worry atmosfier above us there is a barrier or shield, so that
the incoming rays are not directly but through other words processed first and we get a healthful rays.
There are issues of global warming terkuak, that is heating the earth in the shield above atmosfier leak .. oh we can get serious.
So that the sun no longer have emanated barrier .. How is this?
Changes in rainfall from season to season hot, causing the body temperature of the erratic, a result timbulah diseases
both the flu, inflammation, and the other in summer.
also vice versa (to the summer rainy season) also lead to health we sometimes disrupted.
Food factor
Food that we make consumption our bodies healthy or sick can also depend on the type of food we consume.
Many foods that are sold terkontaminasi chemicals which have exceeded the threshold limits.
When we consume foods that often contain many hazardous materials on health and we will be more
again lead to fatal death.
So with that let us wise in choosing food and we perihalalah earth from destruction, especially the ozone layer, which is
entrance barrier layer sun directly.
Wah terima kasih telah mampir. Aku follow, follow balik ya :)
ReplyDeleteBy: Nanang Suryana