
25 February 2009

Food For Health Care We Determine

Season changes to summer rainfall resulted in a lot of interference would disrupt the health and activity
our day-to-day.
our bodies in the changes that work to create a more antibody whereas antibody produced by the body
from the food that we eat with factors other supporters.

The sun rays
For example the sun, sinarnya help utuk growth process than as a function of the main torch of the world which is transitory.
Rays that emanated earth to contain various substances-substances needed by the organism.
Sun emanated a very hot but do not worry atmosfier above us there is a barrier or shield, so that
the incoming rays are not directly but through other words processed first and we get a healthful rays.

There are issues of global warming terkuak, that is heating the earth in the shield above atmosfier leak .. oh we can get serious.
So that the sun no longer have emanated barrier .. How is this?

Changes in rainfall from season to season hot, causing the body temperature of the erratic, a result timbulah diseases
both the flu, inflammation, and the other in summer.
also vice versa (to the summer rainy season) also lead to health we sometimes disrupted.

Food factor
Food that we make consumption our bodies healthy or sick can also depend on the type of food we consume.
Many foods that are sold terkontaminasi chemicals which have exceeded the threshold limits.
When we consume foods that often contain many hazardous materials on health and we will be more
again lead to fatal death.

So with that let us wise in choosing food and we perihalalah earth from destruction, especially the ozone layer, which is
entrance barrier layer sun directly. Read More..

Mental Health and Improving Your Personal Life

Your mental health is an amazing part of what makes you as a person. Personal development is a way of life that effects your mind, actions, and how you treat others around you.
It plays a vital role on your over-all well being and the relationships around you.
Often times, we get so caught up in the physical aspects of what’s on the outside and forget to take care of the inside. Exercising our brain consciously and subconsciously is an important factor when improving one’s life and creating a healthy state of mind as we age. When a person is depressed, stressed, tired, and frustrated it effects everything we do as well as the people closest to us. I remember someone telling me in a depressed state,
that she couldn’t even watch television because she didn’t want to watch the living.
When I get down, I often think of that comment and it reminds me of a place I don’t ever want to be.
Isolating yourself for others could turn into something very dangerous and unfortunately help will only start with one person.
YOU! Although there is a laundry list of books and professional help, also recommended,
but if this article gives you a jump start to just get you slightly motivated to move forward, then moving an inch is greater than lying still.

Depression and anxiety will use every good power that you have against you.
Keep in mind that the most talented individual wouldn’t get anywhere without persistence.
Persistence and determination are the first steps to controlling your thoughts and feelings.
Many medications can trigger depression, make sure to consult with your doctor to see if this has any effects on the way you are feeling.

Studies indicate that the most common reason for depression is the lack of interests and activities.
When improving your personal life, interests and activities are vital in mental health, self esteem and happiness.
Although this does not help much when fighting boredom, or other problems but you can best improve your mental health by practicing many of them until you do well.
When you are depressed it easy to forget all of the things we liked to do.
Motivation can help us overcome trying something new or remembering exactly what made us happy.
Asking friends and family to help motivate me is a tool that I use when I’m in the need of a little push.
Reward yourself when accomplishing tasks, such as getting the laundry done before watching your favorite television show.

Negative thinking also plays a major role in depression. The happiest of people experience the same pain, suffering and sorrows, just like a person depressed. To accept troubles gracefully and keeping a positive attitude is where you’ll find how some people cope with things on a different level. Ask yourself, are your expectations realistic? Accepting a situation for what it is can eliminate your negative feelings. Taking action for your own negative ways of thinking and turning those thoughts positive means that you are motivating yourself to change. Tackle what is bothering you, and take a bad situation and turn it into something good. A little humor helps my situation from time to time, meaning laughter does a great deal for our mind and body. Try not to constantly worry about being happy. Developing interests, activities, friendships and learning how to cope with the emotional pain will conquer your personal problems and further solve your thinking habits. Doing this will get you on the road of happiness, as long as you put forth the effort. Read More..

17 February 2009

Colic symptoms in babies

Colic symptoms in babies

Colic is one of the most common problems in babies. In fact, it is so common that this is the kind of thing that you will be prepared for even before it occurs being a major topic in all baby books in your bookshelf.

Colic begins as early as two to three weeks and reaches its peak when the baby is about two months old. After which, symptoms and episodes will slowly die down and at fourth month, there will be no more episodes.

Until now, medical experts cannot find what exactly causes colic to occur. It just happens to babies without any real or specific reason. However, there are a host of possible causes that may influence or worsen a colic episode. Here are some of them.

Allergy to cow’s milk or powdered milk
Lactose intolerance
Allergy to the foods that the mother take in and transferred to the baby through breastmilk
Increase in the intestinal gas brought on by foods that usually produce gas in the stomach such as broccoli, onion and beans.
Underdeveloped digestive system that may cause strong contractions in the stomach
Hormonal changes in the body of your baby
Anxiety of the mother and postpartum depression
Overfeeding of the baby

Often, the only sign that parents will get is nonstop crying that can last from an hour to as much as five hours! This can be really hard to take for parents especially those who are not used to their babies crying too much. For first-time parents the first episode of colic can be panicking as they do not know why their little angel is crying so hard.

Crying can be the result of a lot of things. This is why it is important for parents to really know the other signs and symptoms of colic in babies before they panic or in some cases not panic.

Predictable crying episodes

Although this will not be evident at the start, a colicky baby will have crying episodes at specific time of the day. This can either occur at day or at night, often after a meal. These episodes will recur at approximately the same time and it can last from just a few minutes to hours. It can occur once every week or everyday of the week. It really depends on the baby and because there is no known cause, parents just have to patiently wait if there will be an episode for that day.

Gaseous state

According to some experts, colic is brought on by gas in the stomach that causes an ache. Babies will often excrete bowels or pass gas near the end of the episode. This will relieve the problem.

Positions of the legs and arms

Babies who have colic will manifest their pain in the way they will draw their legs to their abdomens to squeeze them in. Their hands will also clench into fists and their abdominal muscles will harden. Some babies who cannot take the pain will trash around and become really wild. Their screams and cries will get louder and louder.

Crying madly

This is one of the main symptoms of colic in babies. In fact, most parents think that if their babies cry, they are either hungry or having a colic. The cries of a colicky child is loud and intense. There is no room for a weak and sickly cry. Their cheeks will often become red from the exertion and they will be difficult to comfort.

@By; Achmadsyah Read More..

Teeth Whitening Treatments

Popular Teeth Whitening Treatments

A lot of people desire to have a brilliant smile with shiny and sparkling bright teeth. To achieve it, they consume lots of money on teeth whitening products. Teeth bleaching is just one of the few teeth whitening treatments.

Bleaching is an excellent teeth whitening treatment. It is the most widely known treatment for whitening teeth because it is cheaper compared to laser treatment. The treatment is done without taking away any of the tooth surface.

Each of us has distinct tooth color. Naturally, a lot of smokers have stained teeth.. But others are blessed with pearly white teeth.

Typically teeth bleaching is suited for those who have discolored teeth like smokers and those who are eating but fail to brush properly. It is recommended that you seek an advice to a dentist before applying these teeth whitening product.

Dentist will tell you if it's appropriate for you to undergo a teeth whitening treatment and will recommend it if you are. First the dentist will apply a gel or rubber shield on gums so that the soft tissue will not be damaged. Then they will apply the bleaching product to the teeth by means of a tray which will fit the shape of your mouth. After this the dentist would just give you some instructions and you'll continue the treatment at home.

The active ingredients of bleaching products such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide makes the teeth white. When the active ingredient starts to break, the oxygen goes inside the enamel of the teeth and then the tooth color made lighter. Treatments like this are usually done in three to four weeks.

There are new products that can be applied for eight hours at a time. You can perform the treatment when it is time for you to sleep. The result can be achieved for at least one week only.

You still have another option for whitening your teeth which is laser teeth whitening. In laser teeth whitening a rubber dam will be placed over the teeth so as to shield the gums from being damaged, and then a whitening product is applied to your teeth. A laser is used to trigger the chemical applied to the teeth. It boosts the chemical effect of the bleaching product so that the change of color can be achieved quickly.

The dentist needs to check your teeth to ensure that you're suitable to undergo the treatment. It is the fastest procedure that may only take for about an hour.

The effects of bleaching teeth can last up to three years and may differ from one person to another. Of course if you keep on smoking and drink or eat products that can stain your teeth the effect is less likely to last long. During or after the treatment you'll fell your teeth become sensitive to cold. But these symptoms are usually disappears within a few days after the treatment is done.

There are lots of whitening teeth products that are made available. These are effective in removing stain and enhance the entire appearance of your teeth but it would not affect the natural color of your teeth. Once your teeth undergo a whitening treatment, a whitening paste can be helpful to make the effect last longer.

There are many ways to keep your teeth white. Try cutting down the amount of food that you eat or drink that causes a stain or discoloration of your teeth. Also stop smoking and make a habit to brush your teeth three times a day to prevent staining or discoloring of your teeth.

@By; Achmadsyah Read More..

Perfect Smile

Modern Ways to Achieve the Perfect Smile

Everyone desires to have a great smile. For a killer smile, one should have sparkling, bright, and shiny teeth.

Today, a lot of people are spending more money just to have their teeth whiter. They make use of the best teeth whitening treatments and undergo procedures to achieve the brilliant white teeth.

Teeth whitening had been an effective procedure to lighten the color of the teeth, without taking away any of the tooth surface. It will not completely whiten the whole set of teeth; it will just lighten the existing color of the teeth.

Only a few are blessed with pearly white teeth, and our teeth normally become discolored as we grow up.

Our teeth can also be stained on the outer part because of the food and drink. Coffee, tea, blackcurrant and red wine have effect on the discoloration of our teeth. Smoking is another cause of teeth discoloration. Most people may encounter staining beneath the surface which is caused by tiny cracks in the teeth or certain antibiotics that absorb the stains.

But what are these teeth whitening treatments and procedures? And are these done?

Bleaching. This is most common form of teeth whitening procedure. Your dentist will advice you if this is the best teeth whitening treatment suitable for you.

Bleaching is done by placing a gel or rubber to shield the soft tissue of your gums. Then, the whitening product will be applied on your teeth by using a special tray which shapes into your mouth like a gum shell.

The teeth whitening product usually contains carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the 'active ingredients'. When these ingredients break down, the oxygen enters the enamel of your teeth thus, making the color lighter. The entire treatment can be completed in three to four weeks time.

For those who wish to undergo to this treatment, you will need at least three visits to the dentist. On your first visit, the dentist will create a mouth-guard and take a caricature or impressions of it. Once the treatment has started, it is recommended that you continue it at home. You have to regularly apply the teeth whitening product over four weeks, for at least 30 minutes at a time.

Most of the known and best teeth whitening products can be applied for up to several hours at a time. The treatment can be done even while you're sleeping. Ideally, a good result can be attained in as little as one week.

Laser Whitening. This is also called the "power whitening". Though expensive, a lot of people especially artists consider it as the best teeth whitening method.

During this process, a rubber dam is placed over your teeth to shield the gums, and the whitening product is then painted on your teeth. A laser will be used to stimulate the chemical. The light will help boost the chemical reaction of the bleaching product, thus the color change can be attained more rapidly.

Dentists believe that the result of laser whitening treatment is good. It can make your teeth up to six shades lighter.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get a chance to undergo laser treatment. The dentist will have to check your teeth and ensure that you are fit for the treatment. The total procedure is usually done in an hour.

The effects of this power whitening is said to last up to three years depending on the person. The dentist still advice not to smoke, eat and drink products that may cause a stain in your teeth. Others may find their teeth vulnerable to cold after the treatment. But these symptoms usually vanish within a few days.

These are just two of the famous and best teeth whitening methods available. Despite the fact that they may cost a lot, the effect is still worth it. Through these methods, you'll surely flash everyone a perfect smile.

@by; Achmadsyah Read More..

Flood Emergency Preparation

Important Tips For Flood Emergency Preparation

Strong tropical storms and hurricanes often cause flooding, even in areas that are not prone to such an event. With the extreme weather conditions that we are facing today, everybody should be prepared for anything, particularly flooding.

Here are the things you need to do to safeguard your home for flash floods:

Prevent water from entering your home

If you are expecting heavy rains or storms to hit your locality, particularly if you live in a flood-prone area, you should cover your doors, or even windows, with metal sheets, sandbags, or plywood. You can also use silicone sealant to ensure that water will not enter your home.

Shut off your utilities

You should remember to turn off all your utilities, such as gas, electricity and even water, at the mains. You should also remember to unplug all your electrical appliances and store them at high places, on the second floor, if possible.

Be mindful of your appliances and furniture

You need to ensure that your furniture and appliances are kept on high areas or upstairs. If you do not have a second floor, you can just raise such items on blocks or bricks. Be sure to remove carpets, curtains and even internal doors. Store them all in high places to ensure that they are protected from water.

Important papers, pictures and other personal items should also be placed on higher grounds, particularly on the second floor of your house. If not, you should put important papers on sealed bags to ensure that they are protected from floods.

Make sure that all objects outside your house, such as rakes, are kept in a safe place. Floodwater can easily float these items, which can pose danger to others.

Here are important things you need to do once you a flood warning has been issued:

• Information is crucial during situations like these. Thus, you need to always listen to the radio for announcements and updates.

• Be sure to cooperate fully with local authorities and emergency services. If they require you to evacuate, follow them and do not dillydally.

• Since electricity will almost certainly be unavailable, you must ensure that you do all the things you need to do during the day. It is much more difficult and unsafe to do things in the dark.

• Share the information with your neighbors, particularly the old people, so that they can also prepare themselves.

• Be sure to stay inside your house. Floodwater can kill, especially when it is raging, so do not attempt to go out. It is important to note that rapid flowing water that is six inches high could make you fall, while two feet of water could make your car float.

• Ensure that your pets and cars are in a safe location. Once you heard of flood warning, you should stay on the second floor of your house.

• There maybe objects floating in the water, so do not attempt to swim through raging flood. You can either be swept away or be knocked over by objects that are in the water.

• Floodwater may be dirty and contaminated with sewage, so you should avoid contact if possible. It would be a shame that you survived the flooding, but fell ill because of contaminated water.

• River bridges, sea defenses, and riverbanks are very dangerous places to be in during floods, so be sure to steer away from them if possible. There have been many cases wherein floodwater have destroyed or collapsed bridges and defenses.
By Achmadsyah Read More..

Prepare for Home Emergency

It is now or never, prepare for home emergency

The fact of the matter is that not one person knows just exactly are the specific problems that could eventually result during a major and over all emergency. The best thing one could possibly due is make himself prepare for anything that could happen.

The following are some of the tips, advice and recommendation in order to amply prepare for an emergency. The following are from the emergency service from the California office of the Red Cross.

Water is life, life is water

As much as possible, try to keep a water supply of a gallon for every person each day and one that would be enough to go on for up to three to seven days.

Water should be kept in containers made of plastic. Also, make sure that you also have filters and tablets for the purposes of purification ready and available when needed.

Store food for you and your family

Food that is not as easily perishable should be stored for you and your family, and such foods must be enough to last you, your family, as well as your pets, for three days up until one week.

Examples of such foods are canned goods, powdered juices, boxed vegetables and food.

Have an alterative

It is always a wise idea to have a cooking source that could serve as an alternative besides the usual electric stove you may be used to.

Having a ready barbecue stove or a propane stove on hand is the best recourse if in case the electricity goes out or if gas becomes no longer available.

However, if you are to utilize propane, ensure that the tank is completely full and that an extra propane tank is also available.

Collect clothes

Have a ready and available stock of clothes for your kids and yourself as well as sleeping bags.

Collect wood

Having a steady supply of good wood is also a good idea as these could be used for those fireplaces or for stoves that use wood for burning.

Have a light

A flashlight is the item that you simply could not do without especially during emergencies. Try to consider using recharging through solar means as well as units that are cranked by hand. This is in order to avoid any future worries on batteries.

Keep prescriptions

As much as possible, try to keep any prescriptions that you or your family member may have filled. Also, try to maintain an added supply of medication both non-prescription and prescribed ones.

Contact your healthcare provider for any refill prescriptions in advance.

Have cash and some gas

Credit is good unless there is an emergency. Try to keep ready cash just in case the atm’s fail or the system of your bank is not working.

Also, it is best if you keep the gas tank of your car half full. This is so to avoid the long lines in gas stations.

Have books

During emergencies, it could be safe to have some books and some board games available to entertain yourself during power failure.

Know thy neighbor

It is also better if you acquaint yourself with the neighbors you have in your area. There could be instances wherein you ay need each other’s help if ever the basic services are somewhat interrupted.

All in all, preparation is always the best cure against any unexpected circumstance that an emergency might bring. By Achmadsyah Read More..

Male Menopause Mystery

Male Menopause Mystery: Unraveling the Truth about Andropause

For years, people have been hearing and learning about menopause and how to deal with it. Men and women are educated about this natural condition that affects women when they reach a certain age in order to properly cope with it and accept it as a natural condition.

However, another particular condition similar to menopause affects men and is a mystery on why this condition happens. This male menopause condition is called the andropause. Andropause is a condition that affects men that is very similar to women's menopause.

This condition is caused by low testosterone level in men and is considered as the male menopause condition that is affecting men when they reach a certain age. In the early 50s, andropause is defined as the natural cessation of sexual function in older men.

The symptoms of andropause relates very closely to menopause. It will include fatigue, depression, decreased sexual activity, and irritability. Surprisingly, this change has been always ignored and is considered as a normal phase in a man's life. It may be a normal thing, but it doesn’t mean that men should suffer greatly from this condition.

Researchers suggest that andropause is caused by excess alcohol intake, stress, overweight, vasectomy, lack of exercise and ageing. Because of this, researchers have also begun to seek treatment methods to reduce the effects of andropause.

One solution to the problem is the Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT. This treatment showed promising results in effectively relieving symptoms of andropause. Adding to that, it also restores health, sex drive, and potency. It will also include a sense of renewed vitality and virility when it is given to the right patient, at the right time and at the right doses.

You have to realize the fact that the natural tendencies of men in the early years of his life are concerned primarily on their career, money and power. Often, men ignore and neglect family and friends to focus more on career. However, in the later years when andropause sets in, men becomes more maternal, as if the men changes role from being fatherly to becoming motherly. Surprisingly, men don’t even sense the changes themselves and women notice it more. Women often tell doctors about this condition that their husbands are going through.

In response to the falling testosterone levels in the body, andropausal men will experience night sweats, and palpitations.

When men who experiences the mentioned symptoms and visits their doctor, the doctor will usually check for andropause by examining the following:

• Loss of hair in the armpits and axilla
• Low sex drive
• Erectile dysfunction or impotence
• Shrinkage of testicles
• Decreased muscle strength
• Depression
• Constant fatigue or tiredness Read More..

andropause male

Andropause Mystery, Unraveling the Truth about Male Menopause and Conquering its Symptoms

When a man enters the age of forty, he begins to experience the awkward feeling of confusion, split personality and stressfulness. He tends to lose his sense of purpose as well as his former self. He is craving for the new order of things, more ventures and is spinning out of control.

In the quest to understand this crisis, series of studies are undertaken. Even the medical science allots time to formulate possible formulas to find the remedy on its symptoms. There are creams, pellets, pills and even surgeries that are deemed to resolve the crisis.

But what is really in the core of this predicament? Dr. Robert S. Tan constructed his book of Andropause mystery: unraveling the truths about male menopause in the pursuit to explain the circumstances and why they happen to a man.

According to Dr. Robert Tan, menopause or the declination of hormonal levels comes to pass to both men and women. For men, such transition period is called andropause. The period usually strikes at forty when age normally causes internal troubles to almost everyone. Subsequently, internal changes had exterior manifestations in terms of social, career and family interactions.

Furthermore, Dr. Robert Tan added that as the man reaches the age of 50-70, the symptoms become more visible and provoked. Symptoms such as declination of levels of virility and energy accompanied by easily being exhausted, rapid mood sways and palpitations appear. Most men report their erectile dysfunction as the most notable event during andropause. Apart from this, Dr. Tan’s patients also complained of their being nervous, irritable and depressed.

Palpitations are due to the decrease of the testosterone level caused by over reaction of the autonomic system. It must be noted that it is natural for men who are suffering from andropause.

Formerly active men who used to be directed to their careers and power enhancement suddenly become close to family and their friends. However, there are some who preferred to find a new set up on their lifestyle which will turn them from the confusion and depression of andropause period.

The medical science has prepared remedies to relieve these symptoms. The problem is that most men do not submit to seeing a doctor even for health reasons. The reason is that it hits their masculine pride to be thought of as either vulnerable or dependent. This becomes a challenge to most wives.

One way to convince men to see the doctor is by accompanying him to a trained and understanding expert. By going together, the doctor can fully extract the needed information from the couple. However, there will also be times when the interview would be held independently to do away with the inhibitions.

As part of the clinical study, the following things are being checked as andropause basis: hair loss, shrinkage of testicles, decrease of libido and sex drive, erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, depression, decrease of muscle strength, oligospermia, and decrease in bone density.

Since the andropause stage could be very stressful among men, it is advisable that wives should become more understanding and supportive. Andropausal men should be encouraged to organize himself, to manage his alcohol and cigarette consumption, to relax, to eat healthy foods and to exercise.

Andropause is another profound journey which needs the positive involvement of the family. Not only men shall beat the odds, but everyone who loves him. Read More..
Andropause Mystery, Unraveling the Truth about Male Menopause and Conquering its Symptoms

When a man enters the age of forty, he begins to experience the awkward feeling of confusion, split personality and stressfulness. He tends to lose his sense of purpose as well as his former self. He is craving for the new order of things, more ventures and is spinning out of control.

In the quest to understand this crisis, series of studies are undertaken. Even the medical science allots time to formulate possible formulas to find the remedy on its symptoms. There are creams, pellets, pills and even surgeries that are deemed to resolve the crisis.

But what is really in the core of this predicament? Dr. Robert S. Tan constructed his book of Andropause mystery: unraveling the truths about male menopause in the pursuit to explain the circumstances and why they happen to a man.

According to Dr. Robert Tan, menopause or the declination of hormonal levels comes to pass to both men and women. For men, such transition period is called andropause. The period usually strikes at forty when age normally causes internal troubles to almost everyone. Subsequently, internal changes had exterior manifestations in terms of social, career and family interactions.

Furthermore, Dr. Robert Tan added that as the man reaches the age of 50-70, the symptoms become more visible and provoked. Symptoms such as declination of levels of virility and energy accompanied by easily being exhausted, rapid mood sways and palpitations appear. Most men report their erectile dysfunction as the most notable event during andropause. Apart from this, Dr. Tan’s patients also complained of their being nervous, irritable and depressed.

Palpitations are due to the decrease of the testosterone level caused by over reaction of the autonomic system. It must be noted that it is natural for men who are suffering from andropause.

Formerly active men who used to be directed to their careers and power enhancement suddenly become close to family and their friends. However, there are some who preferred to find a new set up on their lifestyle which will turn them from the confusion and depression of andropause period.

The medical science has prepared remedies to relieve these symptoms. The problem is that most men do not submit to seeing a doctor even for health reasons. The reason is that it hits their masculine pride to be thought of as either vulnerable or dependent. This becomes a challenge to most wives.

One way to convince men to see the doctor is by accompanying him to a trained and understanding expert. By going together, the doctor can fully extract the needed information from the couple. However, there will also be times when the interview would be held independently to do away with the inhibitions.

As part of the clinical study, the following things are being checked as andropause basis: hair loss, shrinkage of testicles, decrease of libido and sex drive, erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, depression, decrease of muscle strength, oligospermia, and decrease in bone density.

Since the andropause stage could be very stressful among men, it is advisable that wives should become more understanding and supportive. Andropausal men should be encouraged to organize himself, to manage his alcohol and cigarette consumption, to relax, to eat healthy foods and to exercise.

Andropause is another profound journey which needs the positive involvement of the family. Not only men shall beat the odds, but everyone who loves him. Read More..